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Good resources for teachers

Page history last edited by Ms. Wiggins 11 years, 11 months ago

www.quizlet.com -- fantastic resource for vocab, grammar, and learning from lists. Kids love to compete against each other while studying.

www.Prezi.com -- the newer, cooler PowerPoint

http://www.englishcompanion.com/ - Jim Burke's web site with loads of cool resources and graphic organizers for ELA teachers

www.surveymonkey.com - A site for surveys and a great way to get feedback from students. I do it regularly -- anonymous.

http://www.englishalanglit-inthinking.co.uk/ - Priceless resource for any IB English Lang & Lit teachers. Some of the site is free, and some with subscription -- worth the subscription fee but a great resource even with the freebies

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